Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor has been involved with Root Capital since he and his brother met Willy Foote in 1998. Over the years, he’s served Root as a donor, investor, adviser, and board member, with particular focus on strategic and financial planning, leadership, governance, and development of Root’s fundraising capacity. Jack has also been involved in the founding and development of other non-profits including the Twin Pines Housing Trust (New Hampshire and Vermont), the Alliance to End Hunger (Washington, DC), and Northern Woodlands magazine (now part of The Center for Northern Woodlands Education). He was Chair of the Alliance to End Hunger for many years and has also served on the boards of Bread for the World, the Vermont Land Trust, and the Vermont and Upper Valley community foundations. Jack spent his career life managing, developing, and investing in entrepreneurial businesses with a particular interest in those that offered commercial solutions to environmental and social challenges. Some of these businesses blended capital from private, public and philanthropic sources, and a couple of them became employee-owned. Jack graduated from Wesleyan University and has lived in a number of U.S. states. Most of his life he’s lived in Vermont where he raised his children with his beloved wife Lucy, an accountant who has been his longtime partner in Root and many of his other endeavors.