Members of the coffee-growing Koperative Abakundakawa-Rushashi in the hills of Gakenke, Rwanda in 2022.
Caption: Members of the coffee-growing Koperative Abakundakawa-Rushashi in the hills of Gakenke, Rwanda in 2022.
Credit: Adam Finch/Root Capital

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Root Capital

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

Join Root Capital as we celebrate the women farmers building more prosperous lives!

Here are 3 things you can do right now to get involved in supporting Women in Agriculture:

1. SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL list using the form at the bottom of this page to stay informed on Women in Agriculture Initiative (WAI) opportunities.

2. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA and amplify our message by sharing our posts or creating your own with #RootCapitalWAI #RootCapitalIWD2024 #IWD2024

3. Make a Donation that is meaningful to you.

This photo was taken on a 2022 WAI trip to Guatemala. Credit: Root Capital/Adam Finch

Women in Agriculture Initiative (WAI)

Since the launch of WAI in 2012, Root Capital has provided financing to hundreds of gender-inclusive and women-led businesses. Today, gender-inclusive businesses make up 61% of our lending portfolio and women-led businesses constitute 32% of our portfolio.

We already knew investing in women was the right thing to do, but our research has proven that it’s also the smart thing to do. Businesses with greater levels of women’s participation are:

  • More stable and profitable
  • Less likely to experience significant revenue dips
  • Less likely to default
  • More likely to secure new sources of financing

Check out 10 years of impact in this WAI anniversary video:

Our Impact


$26M in loans to gender-inclusive and women-led businesses in 2023


3,835 women who received training to build their professional skills since 2021


613K women farmers reached since 2012

Want more information about our gender equity work and the WAI? Check out the latest annual report.

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page, make a donation, and follow us on social media:

Questions? Contact us at