Financial Information

As a nonprofit social impact investor and steward of both investment and philanthropic capital, we are committed to the highest levels of fiscal transparency.

Credit: Root Capital
Caption: Attendees of a Root Capital client workshop in Estelí, Nicaragua discuss ways to boost youth participation in their business.

Quarterly Performance Reports

We publish quarterly updates on the performance of our lending activities, fundraising efforts, and the economic, social, and environmental impact of our clients.

Annual Report

Our most recent "2021-2022 Biennial Report: Renewed Resilience Amidst a Post-Pandemic Recovery," covers two years of progress, highlighting our impact pathways, two client stories, financials from the years, and more.

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2021-2022 Financials

Operating Expenses by Region 2021

Operating Expenses by Region 2022

Program Services Spending 2021

Program Services Spending 2022

Revenue and Expenses